Here are some of my current rides and future projects.
 My Current ride is a 1982 GL1100 Goldwing Aspencade. It has 71,000 miles on it and still going stong!
 I used to drive a CB750 hardtail chopper but i'm getting older now and the Goldwing is sooo much more comfortable. Having a stereo doesn't hurt either!
 My wife's ride is a 1982 GL500i with 24,000 miles on it. This thing gets 60 MPG! It's unreal how good it is on fuel. My Goldwing only gets 38 MPG and i'm quite jealous.
 Here's another shot of the Silverwing next to a CB750 K5 I built to sell. As soon as I get the new windshield the Silverwing will get it's fairing back and my wife will be happy again!
 This is my boy Isaac's 2000 XR50. Once he learned how to pop wheelies with it, he went nuts. He only flipped it all the way over once but he got right back on it. This is what I ride with him. It's a 1975 Yamaha GT80 and when he's a little older he will ride it.
 Here's a project i'm working on restoring. It's a 1969 CB750 Sandcast, one of 7400 built and the first production in-line 4 clyinder ever built. Once I get serious about it i'll give it a build page of it's own.
 I rode this 1984 V65 Magna up until 2 years ago when I got my Goldwing. It needs some clutch work and other minor things but it was quite fast in it's day. Sometimes it seems that I have more projects than time!
